2015 State 4-H Livestock Judging Contest Results
Marathon County Junior and Manitowoc County Senior Teams top 2015 State 4-H Livestock Judging Contest
(Lodi): The State 4-H Livestock Judging Contest was held on Monday, July 27 at the Lodi Agricultural Fairgrounds in Lodi, WI. This was a new location for the annual venue that allows the top junior and senior county 4-H Livestock judging teams the opportunity to apply their skills in evaluating beef, swine, sheep and meat goat classes in hopes of qualifying for a national livestock judging event this fall.
In 2015, there were eight senior teams and eleven junior teams that participated. The contest consisted of evaluating classes of market and breeding beef, market and breeding swine, market and breeding sheep, as well as answer questions and deliver sets of oral reasons. These teams qualified for the state contest by being top teams at the district Area Animal Science Days that were held around the state in June.
The top two teams in the Senior Division will go on to represent Wisconsin at a National Judging Contest this fall. A team from Manitowoc County took top honors in the senior division. Team Members included: Vanessa Roberts, Brooke Roberts, Megan Greif and Ambrose Wiering. They are coached by Rob Ash, Barb Remiker and Michaela Remiker. The second place senior team was Jefferson County. Team members include: Alexis Timmel, Hannah Schultz, Ryan Isaacsen and Taylor Chwala. They are coached by Ed Bielinski. Third place team was: Waukesha County, Heidi Tremaine, Mason Roscizewski, Josie Sindorf and Hannah Tremaine. They were coached by Karen Tremaine. Fourth Place: Sheboygan County, Jared Beck, Kim Beck, Sarah Lillesand and Lauren Schmitt, coached by Chad Kohlman. Fifth Place: Iowa County: Martina Steffes, Brittany Rhyner, Bailey Fritsch and Haakon Schriefer, coached by Jeff Thomas and Matt Heins.
The top ten senior individual judges: 1st: Alexis Timmel, Jefferson, 2nd: Heidi Tremaine, Waukesha, 3rd: Vanessa Roberts, Manitowoc, 4th: Hannah Schultz, Jefferson, 5th: Jared Beck, Sheboygan, 6th: Brooke Roberts, Manitowoc, 7th: Mason Roscizewski, Waukesha, 8th: Megan Greif, Manitowoc, 9th: Kim Beck, Sheboygan, and 10th: Kim Hudson, Pierce.
The top reasons team was Manitowoc County. Team members include: Vanessa Roberts, Brooke Roberts, Megan Greif and Ambrose Wiering. The top five reasons individuals were: Brooke Roberts, Manitowoc, Vanessa Roberts, Manitowoc, Kim Beck, Sheboygan, Heidi Tremaine, Waukesha, Mason Roscizewski, Waukesha.
The top beef was Jefferson County; top sheep team was Manitowoc County and top swine team was Jefferson County.
The top junior team was from Marathon County. Team members were: Stephanie Witberler, Kailen Smerchek, Malorie Schmoll and Mae Sann and coached by Dan Smerchek. The second place junior team was Iowa County #1. Team members include: Brady Palzkill, Morgan Vondra, Chuck Schmitz, and Kelly Gaffney. Third Place: Columbia County: Justin Taylor, Samantha Rake, Hayden Taylor and Tyler Cross. Fourth Place: Kewaunee County: Gabrielle Haen, Daria Ahrens, Alex Hewett and Hunter Guilette. Fifth Place: Iowa County #2: Emma Steffes, Colin Steffl, Bree Gaffney, and Larry Steffes.
The top ten junior individual judges: Stephanie Witberler, Marathon, Justin Taylor, Columbia, Brady Palzkill, Iowa, Gabrielle Haen, Kewaunee, Morgan Vondra, Iowa, Kailen Smerchek, Marathon, Emma Steffes, Iowa County, Chuck Schmitz, Iowa County, and Mallorie Schmoll, Marathon.
The top sheep team was Trempealeau County; top swine team was Iowa County; top beef team was Marathon County. Top Reasons individual for juniors went to Kailen Smerchek Marathon County and top reasons team for the junior division went to Marathon County.
Sponsors for the State 4-H Livestock contest include: The Milwaukee Stockyards, Wisconsin 4-H Foundation, Buell Gunderson Memorial, UW-Extension, and UW Animal Science Departments. Extension Youth Livestock Specialist Bernie O’Rourke, Outreach Specialist, Alissa Grenawalt and 4-H Youth Development Specialist Pam Hobson organize the contest annually.
For more information about Wisconsin’s Youth Livestock Program, contact Bernie O’Rourke (608) 263-4304, borourke2@ansci.wisc.edu.
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This article was posted in Beef, Events, Livestock Judging, Sheep, Swine.