WYLP Animal Science Educational Offerings
The Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program (WYLP), affiliated with the UW Madison Department of Animal & Dairy Sciences, College of Agricultural & Life Sciences, and the Division of Extension are excited to offer these educational programs for the winter/spring of 2020-2021. These activities are an opportunity for youth and adults to create awareness and increase skills in the animal sciences. These activities can serve as “county educational requirements”. County programs will have the final say on if they meet county requirements. Your county or fair might have a specific form that is used for educational points. In the meantime, track your involvement online using the education verification form found at https://go.wisc.edu/r3x8lh. Turn in the form to your county fair and or livestock committee representatives. The offerings are largely for large animals but many aspects of the information apply to small animals (poultry, rabbits, etc.).
Head over to the program page to register and review past recordings. There are also a number of educational offerings that occurred spring of 2020 that can be reviewed.
This article was posted in Beef, Meats Judging, Sheep, Swine and tagged beef, education, meat goats, meats, nutrition, sheep, swine.