Papers and Publications
This page illustrates some of the research-based informative content published by UW Extension Specialists in the Animal Sciences area. These efforts help demonstrate the work being done at a local, state and national level: sharing the Wisconsin Idea.
Prepare2Respond (P2R) Presentation
2015 Department of Youth Development Evaluative Paper:
Title: Youth Outcomes of the Wisconsin Meat Animal Quality Assurance Program
Authors: Debra Ivey, Iowa County University of Wisconsin-Extension, Bernadette (Bernie) O’Rourke, University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Animal Sciences, Alissa Grenawalt, Extension Outreach Specialist, University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Animal Sciences, and Pam Hobson, Youth Development Specialist, University of Wisconsin-Extension
Published February 2015
Newspaper articles:
Dodgeville Chronicle: 12/22/2015
UW-Extension team receives national recognition