Veterinary Feed Directive – VFD
Youth Producer Guide to the Veterinary Feed Directive – Effective January 2017
Options for download : You can access the 4 page pamphlet the following ways: (Please note that this is the most current information we have been provided at this time and can be subject to change.)
High Resolution version: (26 mb) https://uwmadison.box.com/s/2t98wa7yufp0nbjzkr7uwzz0sv7jka8a
Compressed version (FYI: altered the quality of the document): (7 mb) for those with slow internet connections: https://uwmadison.box.com/s/fwpg60438abvi6kep3h4u935asrclvxk
High resolution pages:
Page 1: VFD Sheet 1 for print
Page 2: VFD Sheet 2 for print
Page 3: VFD Sheet 3 for print
Page 4: VFD Sheet 4 for print
FDA Revises Extra Label Use of Medicated Feeds for Minor Species (Sheep and Goats), Dec 2, 2016
Additional Resources on VFD
- http://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/ucm071807.htm
- https://www.beefcattleinstitute.org/veterinary-feed-directive/
- http://feedstuffs.com/vfd.aspx
- http://www.pork.org/production-topics/antibiotics-resource-center/
- http://www.beefusa.org/antibioticsresourcecenter.aspx
- https://www.zoetisus.com/responsible-antibiotic-use/vfd.aspx
- https://www.globalvetlink.com/vfdsurvivalwebinars/
- https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/swineextension/2016/12/01/swine-veterinarians-in-wisconsin/ – Find current veterinarians in Wisconsin with a focus on youth swine projects
- https://user.globalvetlink.com/gvl2/find-a-vet Searchable link for vets in your area