Feb. 10 Meat Animal Wisline
Make arrangements to listen to the upcoming Meat Animal Wisline on Feb. 10 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at your nearest Extension Office. Please call your local extension office to see if they will be offering the Wisline.
The facts of Paylean® . Dr. Tony Forshey will be discussing the facts of this swine product. He is the state veterinarian for the Ohio Department of Agriculture. The facts of Showmaxx®, a new Zilmax product for beef. Dr. Amy Radunz will be discussing this new beef product. She is the Wisconsin Extension Beef Specialist.
This article was posted in Beef, Meat Goats, Sheep, Swine and tagged beef, meat goats, paylean, ractopamine, sheep, swine, zilmax, zilpaterol.