State 4-H Meats Judging Contest set for Saturday, February 17
We cordially invite you to again bring your county junior and senior teams to the upcoming meat judging contest, to be held Saturday, February 17, at the UW Madison Meat Laboratory. All of the materials can be found online at https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/youthlivestock/programs/4hmeatscontest/
We will continue with the change from the 2005 contest, junior contestants will be given a copy of the “Beef Carcass Evaluation Worksheet,” which they can use in the contest. This will assist junior members in learning about and applying beef yield and quality grades. Senior contestants cannot use the “Beef Carcass Evaluation Worksheet” in the contest.
The national 4-H meats judging contest has incorporated oral reasons at their contest for many years. We will have senior contestants give one set of reasons and it will be scored and counted for 2018.
Special note: We are using a slightly different meats retail card due to changes from the 2017 national 4-H meats judging contest. The main change is Country Style Ribs are considered a Various Primal, NOT a Loin Primal.
All the information you are receiving will also be placed on the Animal Science Extension Youth Programs Website: https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/youthlivestock/programs/4hmeatscontest/
All the information you are receiving will also be placed on the Animal Science Extension Youth Programs Website: https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/youthlivestock/programs/4hmeatscontest/
For further information, feel free to contact Jeff Sindelar, Extension Meats Specialist at jsindelar@wisc.edu or Bernie O’Rourke, Extension Livestock Specialist at borourke2@ansci.wisc.edu.
Registrations and Payment are due by February 5th to:
Lynn Pfeiffer
4-H Youth Development
436 Lowell Hall 610 Langdon Street
Madison WI 53703
(608) 262-1222 (phone)
(608) 265-6407 (fax)
711 for Wisconsin Relay
Email: lynn.pfeiffer@wisc.edu
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