4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl and State 4-H Skillathon contests scheduled for March 2, 2013
The 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl and State 4-H Skillathon contests will be held together on Saturday March 2, 2013 at UW Madison Animal Sciences Building, Madison, WI. Deadline for registration is Friday, Feb 22, 2013. The cost is $6 per youth. Registration starts at 9 a.m., competitions start at 9:30 a.m. Teams are encouraged to participate in both contests as they will be occurring at the same time. Senior teams will start with the Skillathon contest. Junior and Mixed teams will complete the Skillathon Contest as soon as their team is finished with Quiz Bowl and the Seniors have complete the Skillathon Contest. The planning committee reserves the right to alter schedule if needed.
The teams are divided into three age divisions and teams can consist of 3 or 4 members. The junior division are youth who are under 14 years of age as of Jan.1, 2013. The senior division are youth who are all 14 years of age or older as of Jan. 1, 2013. A mixed team must contain at least one youth from each age division.
Livestock Bowl is a quiz competition where all the questions are about beef, sheep, swine, and meat goat topics and students use a buzzer in order to answer the questions. Teams compete in a double elimination format by giving oral answers to questions posed by a moderator. Each match has both an individual and toss-up question round. The winning 4-H senior team will represent Wisconsin at the National 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl competition in Omaha, NE at the AKSARBEN Livestock Exhibition.
Skillathon contest is made up of a written quiz and learning stations such as breed identification, feed identification, equipment identification as well as some team activities such as demonstrating evaluation skills. The top Senior level 4-H team will represent Wisconsin at the National 4-H Skillathon Contest, held each fall in Louisville.
Competition in Quiz Bowl & Skillathon encourages members to develop a more complete knowledge of animals and related subjects. This contest provides an educational program for all project members, including those who may not own a project animal, and provides a way to develop self-confidence. These programs are a great parallel to some similar programs that breed associations and other organizations conduct such as Junior Cattle Nationals, NJSA (National Junior Swine Association) and the All-American Sheep Show.
For more information and registration information, contact Bernie O’Rourke, UW Extension Youth Livestock Specialist and contest coordinator at (608) 263-4304, borourke2@ansci.wisc.edu or the Animal Science Youth Website at https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/youthlivestock/programs/quizbowlskillathon/.
This article was posted in Beef, Meat Goats, Quiz bowl, Sheep, Skillathon, Swine and tagged beef, quiz bowl, sheep, skillathon, swine.