Country of Origin Labeling (COOL)
06/06/2016: As you may have heard through media this week, COOL (Country of Origin Labeling) has been rescinded by Congress and USDA for beef and pork products. Thus as we enter this project year for the 2016 fair season, no COOL forms will need to be collected from the beef or swine exhibitors.
See below an article of Secretary of Ag Vilsack’s statement:
However, sheep and goat COOL forms are still to be collected as they were not a part of this legislation. Sheep and Goat Exhibitors should use the form below and/or check with your local marketing outlets for their desired documentation:
COOL Fact Sheet for Fair Staff
COOL Fact Sheet for Parents & Exhibitors
As a friendly reminder: COOL forms are needed if animals are entering the major food chain such as, being sold to Equity or major marketing channels that end up at major marketing channels such as Tyson, Hormel, etc. If animals are going to local meat processors they most likely will NOT need a COOL form. Please check with your local processor on what information is needed.
*Please note that changes may still occur. Please continue to check our page for further updates.