Marathon tops 4-H Quiz Bowl and Skillathon
The Wisconsin 4-H Quiz Bowl and Skillathon contests were both held on Saturday, March 1 at University of Wisconsin Madison Animal Sciences Building. Livestock Bowl is a quiz competition where all the questions are about beef, sheep, swine and meat goat topics and students use a buzzer in order to answer the questions. Teams compete in a double elimination format by giving oral answers to questions posed by a judge. Each match has both an individual and toss-up question round. A group discussion round is included in the senior division to simulate the national competition.
The senior team represents Wisconsin at the National 4-H Quiz Bowl contest at AKSARBEN in Omaha, NE in September. Winners of the Senior division (14 years of age or older) was Marathon County. Members included: Nathan Utecht, Katelyn Zimmerman, Ashley Zimmerman and Emma Walters with coach Mark Zimmerman. Dodge county was second. Members included: Tim Rynearson, Natalie Siedschlag, Jesse Lynch and Matt Wiersma, coaches Christine Siedschlag & Annie Grillo.
Winners of the Junior division (under 14 years old) was Iowa County. Members included: Haakon Schriefer, Nathan Daniels and Kauy Fargo, coach Valerie Gaffney. Marathon County was second. Members included: Kailen Smerchek, Stephanie Witberler, Cortney Zimmerman, Alexis Dulak, coached by Mark Zimmerman.
Winners of the Mixed division (must contain at least one youth from each age division) was Grant County. Members included: Matt Walz, Dillin Meier, Will Esser, Nicholas Connolly, coached by Alicia Prill-Adams and Dennis Patterson. Marathon was second place. Members included: Emilie Pauls, Devon Langreek, Veronika Walters, coached by Mark Zimmerman.
In the Skillathon contest participants completed a written test, skill-a-thon stations and numerous live animal team exercises. The winning team was from Marathon County and will represent Wisconsin at the National 4-H Quiz and Skillathon Contest in Louisville, KY in November. They were coached by Mark Zimmerman. Members included: Katelyn Zimmerman, Emma Walters, Jake Thunder, Nathan Utecht, coached by Mark Zimmerman. Second place was Polk county. Top Overall Individuals were: Nathan Utecht, Marathon; Matthew Wiersma, Dodge; Hannah Taylor, Columbia; Rylee Black, Polk; Katelyn Zimmerman, Marathon; Adam Keenan, Iowa; Emma Walters, Marathon; Amber Patterson, Grant; Reese Johnston, Polk and Morgan Fitzsimmons, Iowa.
Marathon County topped the Junior division. Members included: Alexis Dulak, Kailen Smerchek, Cortney Zimmerman, Stephanie Witberler, coached by Mark Zimmerman. Second place was Columbia County. Top Overall Individuals were: Stephanie Witberler, Marathon; Kailen Smerchek, Marathon; Justin Taylor, Columbia; Marcus Schroepfer, Langlade; Zach Mickelson, Columbia; Cortney Zimmerman, Marathon; Tyler Schroepfer, Langlade; Haakon Schriefer, Iowa; Tyler Cross, Columbia; Ethan Esser, Grant; Nathan Daniels, Iowa; Alison Peters, Langlade.
In the Mixed division Grant County was 1st place. Members included: Matt Walz, Dillion Weier, Will Esser, Nicholas Connolly, coached by Alicia Prill-Adams & Dennis Patterson. Marathon County was second place. Top Overall Individuals were: Dillion Merier, Grant; Emilie Pauls, Marathon; Devon Langreek, Marathon; Mary Kirchberg, Dodge; Damian Dudenbostel, Crawford; Sara Kearns, Crawford; Matt Walz, Grant; Brittany Beckman, Green; Natalie Rennhack, Dodge; Evelynn Kirchberg, Dodge; Nicholas Connolly, Grant; Elly Beckman, Green.
These events was organized and facilitated by Bernie O’Rourke, UW Extension Youth Livestock Specialist and partially funded by the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation. Numerous judges and University of Wisconsin – Madison students assisted in the management of these contests.
For upcoming events and programs in the animal sciences, contact your county UW-Extension office or the Wisconsin Livestock Youth Web Site
Quiz Bowl & Skillathon Photos
1st Junior Quiz Bowl – Iowa
L to R: Haakon Schriefer, Nathan Daniels, Kauy Fargo
1st Mixed Quiz Bowl & 1st Skillathon – Grant
L to R: Matt Walz, Dillion Meier, Will Esser, Nicholas Connolly
2nd Junior Quiz Bowl & 1st Skillathon – Marathon
L to R: Kailen Smerchek, Stephanie Witberler, Cortney Zimmerman, Alexis Dulak
2nd Mixed Quiz Bowl & 2nd Skillathon – Marathon
L to R: Emilie Pauls, Veronika Walters, Devon Langreek
2nd Senior Quiz Bowl – Dodge
L to R: Tim Rynearson, Natalie Siedschlag, Jesse Lynch and Matt Wiersma
1st Senior Quiz Bowl – Marathon
L to R: Nathan Utecht, Katelyn Zimmerman, Ashley Zimmerman and Emma Walters
1st Senior Skillathon – Marathon
L to R: Nathan Utecht, Jake Thunder, Katelyn Zimmerman, Emma Walters
2nd Junior Skillathon – Columbia
L to R: Medora Richards, Justin Taylor, Zach Mickelson, missing Tyler Cross
2nd Senior Skillathon – Polk
L to R: Rylee Black, RaeAnna Johnston, Nicole Dittbrenner, Reese Johnston